Affiliate Information Update

Be sure to update your organization’s information annually or whenever you have a change in leadership. We use this info to do the following:

  • Direct people to an affiliate in their area. (We receive hundreds of inquiries a year!)
  • Keep the list of affiliate organizations up to date on our website.
  • Send The Quench Tank, an e-newsletter to pass along tips, grant info, giveaways, and more to your affiliate leadership.
  • To keep the lines of communication open between ABANA and your organization.

Please designate someone from your organization to be the ABANA Liaison. Your Liaison would be the person to submit event info (like conferences or special projects) to us for advertising assistance or to request ABANA brochures for future meetings or anything else we can help you with. All leadership contacts will receive our monthly e-newsletter, The Quench Tank. You can update your preferences at any time via the link at the bottom of every email.

Does your organization produce a newsletter? *

If so, be sure to send a copy to ABANA headquarters either by mail or email. Plus we need contact info for the Editor to provide information about ABANA's resources and other affiliate newsletters.

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