The responsibility for the approval of the Joe Humble Award program resides solely with the members of the Committee.
The ABANA Awards Committee Chair will act as liaison to the committee. A request for nominations will be sent out by ABANA to all past and present editors and will include the requirements and conditions for nomination. The ABANA Awards Committee Chairperson will receive the ballots by mail, email, or through the Johnstown Office. The Awards Committee Chair will then give the ballots to the Humble Award Committee to be voted on.
Editors, associate editors, or the president can submit the nomination of any current or former Affiliate Newsletter editor. The winner must be an ABANA member (or spouse) in good standing. Anyone who has won the award will not be eligible to win for the next 5 years. The winner must make the handmade metal quill for the next award winner. If the winner is not skilled in the making of a forged metal quill, they may select another individual to forge the quill. The plaque shall be funded from the Awards Committee’s annual budget.
The Joe Humble award committee will vote on the nominations to decide on the final recipient. In the event that the committee casts a tie vote, the ABANA Awards Committee Chair shall be asked to cast the deciding vote.
Joe Humble Evaluation Form
All nominations need to be accompanied by a single newsletter edition that you believe reflects the Editor’s best work.