National Curriculum Level III

A student that reaches Level III can call himself/herself an Advanced Blacksmith with good reason. It will take years of practice to reach this level. Level III requires advanced skills in leaf work, forge welding, and forging to dimension. To produce the final classic Level III grille (see drawing), the student has to make a number of tools, including swages, hardy stakes, hammers, and more. A detailed list of projects can be found here. As with the other levels, there is a requirement to get each project signed off by an instructor.

The final Level III grille project will be evaluated by two (2) National Curriculum Instructors (Instructors certified to teach and judge Level III).  To pass, a score of 70% or higher is necessary.

To be certified as an instructor for Level III, aka National Curriculum Instructor, you must complete Level III and in addition, must show proficiency in Large Scale Joinery and Repoussé.

All ABANA Curriculum Instructors have to demonstrate proficiency in demonstrating at the respective level and sign both the ABANA Safety Policy and the ABANA Non-Discrimination Policy.

April 30 & May 1, 2025

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Level I Curriculum
Level II Curriculum
Curriculum Instructors
