Please Read All the Information and Disclaimers BEFORE Registering for the Conference!
Note: Tickets are Will Call only. Check in at the Registration Tent when you arrive at the event.
If you prefer to register via paper form and mail a check, click here.
Looking for a Craft Class? We’ve partnered with CraftWork Studios to offer a variety of craft classes during the event. They are conveniently located across from Central Park (the site of the International Team Forging Competition) at 134 Gazebo Park, Johnstown (above The Write Cup Coffee Shop). Register Now!
Note: These classes are ages 18+ and are located in a multi-story building without elevator access.
Broom Making Classes with Alan Curboy (@luckynailblacksmith): Registration and more info. The Broom Making Classes are located in a fully accessible building.
Tent Camping Disclaimer: Tent camping is on the grounds of Peoples Natural Gas Park. No pets and no vehicles are allowed on the grounds. The train tracks are extremely close to the park and trains run frequently during the day and even through the night. Check out this video to see the proximity.
Waiver of Liability: In organizing and running this conference, ABANA and its members, volunteers, demonstrators, and assistants (collectively, “the Conference Team”) seek to take reasonable and appropriate precautions to prevent injury to participants and their property. There are, however, certain inherent and unavoidable dangers connected with the conference activities that the Conference Team cannot be liable for. By registering and/or attending the event, you agree to hold blameless the ABANA Board, Conference Team, staff, and volunteers for any claim of personal injury or property damage arising out of your attendance at, or participation in, the conference.
Refund Policy: Conference admission is refundable via written request until May 7, 2024. After May 7, 2024, a 50% refund would apply to event tickets, camping, and RV parking. Request refunds in writing to ABANA, PO Box 462, Johnstown, PA 15907 or No refund requests will be accepted via phone. All pre-ordered merchandise is non-refundable and will be shipped to the address of record in the event of a no-show.
Photo Release: Be aware that by attending any ABANA event, your name, voice, and/or image/likeness may be captured in photographs and/or videos without compensation. Usage of photographs and video may include but is not limited to, publications, print materials, news releases, our website, social media, and any other related communications, including usage by an ABANA affiliate in perpetuity. Event registration and/or event participation indicates acceptance of this policy; furthermore, you release ABANA, its Board, Staff, Contractors, and Volunteers from any liability now or in the future.

for ABANA’s 50th Anniversary Celebration & Conference

Order mugs with your conference ticket purchase, or visit the store to place an order for shipping.

Want your t-shirt before the Conference? Pre-order from our online store and it’ll ship at the end of May.

Save yourself shipping costs by ordering your Conference t-shirt via the registration form. T-shirts will be available when you check in.